"ok books are getting tossed in the attic,"
Ahhh, that could be a fire hazard.
my mom brought me a bag of literiture that her khall was going to throw away.
apparently they are not 'placeable' anymore, hmmm.. she cant stand to see those books tossed out like 'garbage' so here i go, .
in ths bad was 5 brand new in the plastic wt 2013 library cds.
"ok books are getting tossed in the attic,"
Ahhh, that could be a fire hazard.
a guide to getting people to take you seriously - 10 tips for all you dummies.
) do your best to insult everyone's intelligence and upset them as much as possible.
personal attacks are especially effective at getting people on your side..
spear points dating to thousands of years before the flood (or even adam's alleged creation, for that matter) found preserved in situ among mammoth bones in naco, arizona.. or the 14,000 year-old footprint of a child at a mammoth hunting camp unearthed in a bog in monte verde, chile:.
the kicker is that this isn't even the oldest evidence for human settlement of the americas.
since the wt loves to trot out frozen mammoth carcasses as "proof" that mammoths died in the flood, who were these mammoth eaters in north america?
Perry, http://ncse.com/cej/3/2/answers-to-creationist-attacks-carbon-14-dating
In the article above you will find the reason why mussels cannot be dated but other fossils can. The situation with mussels is very different than with other creatures.
Try reading scientific answers to creationists (Mostly Young Earth Creationists at that).
This is also an excellent book about scientific answers to creationists. Over 500 oversized pages of fine print dedicated to almost every creationist argument:
Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy.
long time no see.. so, since i last posted on here, jws drove my sister to attempt suicide again (she failed, but it was close) and drove my close childhood friend to actually commit suicide.
i too kmy sister in and helped her recover.
i think she's going to pull through.
LisaRose: "I would write a letter to everyone who lives near you parents saying that a child molester lives in the neighborhood and they should not let their children visit anyone unsupervised."
That could bring on a police investigation and get her in trouble.
long time no see.. so, since i last posted on here, jws drove my sister to attempt suicide again (she failed, but it was close) and drove my close childhood friend to actually commit suicide.
i too kmy sister in and helped her recover.
i think she's going to pull through.
Hi Tanya,
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and your sister and friend. Have you ever thought of filing charges against your father? And don't be afraid of going to a funeral because you might be let in. Confront them instead.
Anyways, welcome back.
oh really.
the boy was six year old when he said he was in heaven with the angels.
now he admit it was made up for attention..
the other day i had a couple of drinks and went off on the gb (again), about how they are just posturing and have no clue.
i said if they knew what they were talking about we would already be in the new world, but we're not ..so they dont...the end.. well i got some push back as would be expected, but what surprised me was what she said a little later.
firstly she didn't pay attention to the public talk this past sunday and instead read an article in a watchtower on stress.
Hi Faye,
Another example that I would use is pointing out the numerous galaxies of the universe that have been photographed in the process of crashing into each other. These events are highly destructive with stars and their planets being ripped out of their orbits by the intense gravity of these objects crashing together.
So the question is: Why does God crash galaxies one against the other? Why did he create them only to ruin them? Isn't God a god of order not of disorder - 1 Corinthians 14:33.
By the way, welcome to the forum.
project gutenberg is an online library of books.
it caters to e-book readers although any of its volumes is easily accessible as html and plain text..
the harp of god by j.f.
Thank you for the research Atlantis. I didn't realize that it was an advertisement for his tracts, not his books.
For those interested in a primary source here is the link to the photo image archive of the book. Search under "fifteen" and click on the last marker. https://archive.org/stream/VindicationVolume3ByJudgeRutherford/1932-VINDICATION-3#page/n1/mode/2up
there are dozens of copies of crisis of conscience on this site abebooks.co.uk, second hand from 4. .
they are shipped from the us but although there is a us version of this site i can't find it on the search function no matter what i put in.. anyway for my fellow brits cheap copies here: - .
DesirousOfChange: "I'd have liked to have known Ray Franz."
I only spoke to him once on the phone briefly but I can tell you he was a very meek man, not the raving lunatic which is the Watchtower's archetype of an apostate.
project gutenberg is an online library of books.
it caters to e-book readers although any of its volumes is easily accessible as html and plain text..
the harp of god by j.f.
I forget which of Rutherford's books it was but one of them had an advertisement, in the back, for his collection of the 'rainbow' series books that said that you can learn more from 15 minutes of reading his books than a lifetime of Bible reading.
If someone with access to his books can hunt that down it would make for a devastating quote.
By the way, I recall reading in one of the editions of The Harp of God that Russell was the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave' (Probably phrased slightly differently as they would not be quoting from the NWT). The book went through several changes in subsequent editions so I'm not sure if they all say the same thing.